Wednesday 26 January 2011

Codes and Conventions

The technical code of an advertisement refers to how the film was filmed or created, to explain this I will talk about the technical code in the More Than advert that features Morethan Freeman.
The Advert is shot in full colour, this is so that the cold colours shown can set the mood.
We see a close up of a roof and then zoomed out to a wide shot displaying the whole house, we then see a full shot of the narrator, Morethan Freeman.

All of the images are in focus.
The narrator is left out of the frame until the end of the advert when he introduces himself as Morethan Freeman; this is because up until that point, the audience is led to believe that it is the actor Morgan Freeman that is doing the voice over. This is effective because people will now associate Morgan Freeman’s voice with Morethan Insurance.

Iconography is not dissimilar from celebrity endorcement. An advertisement uses iconography has an actor or celebrity that becomes iconic to that specific advert, for example, Gary Lineker has become iconic to the Walkers. However adverts that use celebrity endorcement are usually a one off.

An adverts soundtrack can effect how succsesful it. The effectiveness of an adverts soundtrack mainly depends on how catchy the tune is. For example, many people find the jingle to adverts such as the Go Compare advert and the we buy any car advert. As annoying as these soundtracks maybe, they are memorable and are used as a talking point.

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