Wednesday 26 January 2011

Form – Animation

Using animation in an advertisement can not only be very effective for companies, but extremely efficient. Animations are effective because they can appeal to different audiences dependent on what the product is. Food products that appeal to children could be advertised in animation, for example the monkey mascot for Coco-Pops. However if the product appeals to a more mature audience then the animation could still appeal to them without actually being a cartoon. For example the Citron C4 transforming car is still appealing and yet not necessarily 'immature'.

Advertisements that are in cartoon format are extremely efficient because there is now cultural time limit without them. Most cartoon adverts go from main stream in the time of there release and then ten years later, it will be 'retro'. An example of this is the Milky Way advert where the red car and the blue car have a race. For the older audience, this advert will bring back child hood memories and for the younger audience, this advert is a exciting new addition to popular culture.

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