Wednesday 26 January 2011

Style – Surreal

An advert that is surreal is one that takes real life into fantasy; they take something that we see everyday and display in a way that we could only dream of. Ariston used a surreal advertisement to advertise their washing machines. In the ad, we  see a woman closing the door of a washing machine. The camera then zooms into the machine and we are transported to what appears to be the sea. 

The advert allows us to explore this place, we see lots of recognisable sea life such as stingrays, turtles ect. It is noticeable that all of the aqua life is made of the clothes. As the camera is panning we see a young boy looking through the window. It is then when we are taken back into the kitchen or the 'real world'. The advert has no dialogue whatsoever, it allows the audience to make up their own mind up about what they think of the machine.

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