Wednesday 26 January 2011

Form – Narration

Narration is a form where there is a voice over talking us through the advert. The two main aspects of ones voice that companies consider are the narrators accent and their tone of voice.
Many people tend to stereotype a character based on their accent and so many companies use this to their advantage. For example many call centres and other similar companies tend to hire people with Geordie accents because people tend to think that this is friendly accent.

A narrators tone of voice can influence the way people think about the product. For example the Cilit Bang advertising campaign had a spokesperson who shouted every word of the script and the now well known and parodied phrase “bang and the dirt is gone”. The spokespersons tone of voice became very controversial, where some people found it amusing where others found it irritating and unnecessary; either way it got their message across and made Cilit Bang a household name.

The narrator of More Than Insurance, better known as 'Morethan Freeman' impersonated the voice of Hollywood actor, Morgan Freeman. I believe that this is because Freeman has a very soothing voice thus making the insurance company a stress free choice. 

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