Wednesday 26 January 2011

Advertising techniques (Rebel)

This technique makes the audience associate the advertised product with rebelling against mainstream products and  lifestyle choices, even if the product is mainstream. Skoda used rebel to advertise their new car, previously Skoda made an advert where people were making the Skoda car out of cake. Skoda's new car, which is 'made of meaner stuff' was, made out of things like snake venom and other nasty things. This new car presents the idea of rebelling against the idea of a 'nice' car.

Advertising techniques (Peer Approval)

Peer approval is a technique used to make the audience feel that in order to be 'cool' and accepted by your peers, you must buy the product. This technique although effective can be used negatively, peer approval can make people, particularly teenagers worry that they will not be accepted if they do not have this product. 

Advertising techniques (Intelligence )

Intelligence is a technique that implies that a smart person would buy the advertised product. It can also imply that the advertised product will make you smart. The product itself is usually some kind of food or drink product where the slogan would be along the lines of “For geniuses” Even though the consumer knows that the product will not make them intelligent, or that the product is exclusively for intelligent people, they will still associate the product with being a “genius”.

Advertising techniques (Independence/Individual)

Independence/Individual is a technique where the company intentionally targets their product a people who believe that they can think for themselves. The products a linked to individual decision making. Independence/Individual is usually used to target teenagers, this is because at this age, people believe that they are able to do things on their own and so to buy the product that is advertise would be an act of independence.

Advertising techniques (Escape)

Escape is a technique used to make the consumer believe that if they buy the product they will be able to escape day to day life and be taken to a more exotic surrounding. Car companies of use this technique, they show the car being driven through an exotic country or the country side, or even the dessert. This makes the audience believe that if they buy this car, they will be able to drive through these places like in the advert, even though they probably wont.

Advertising techniques (Compliment the Consumer)

Complimenting the consumer is often used in advertising, companies often flatter their audience so that they will come across as a trust worthy and kind company. One of the most well known adverts where the consumer is complimented is the L'OrĂ©al slogan “because your worth it” this flatters the consumer and makes them believe that they are in fact 'worth it' and so go out and buy the product.

Advertising techniques (Beauty Appeal)

Beauty appeal is often used in beauty products, such as skin cream, shampoo and fragrances. The advert will often include an attractive celebrity to talk about the product and say how good it is. The consumer will then think that if they use this product, they will be attractive like the celebrity who advertised it.